emma gillies 22nd May 2011

hello toots :o) I was just lying thinking about you so decided to leave a wee message. I still expect you to turn up on day and smile at me but it hurts so much to know that is never going to happen (well until I come visit you haha) My boys are getting so big, they make me laugh. Logan is a great dancer, very flexible and great rhythm unlike his mum. Jason is just constantly on the move, he's like the energizer bunny, loves your mum's lollipops. I hope you can hear me when I pop up to the cemetery. I know I talk for ages but its good to let off steam and at least I know you can shout at me for being very Emma about things. Its quite convenient for the bus route to be there because I still cannot drive, but I promise I will before this year ends. Life isn't the same anymore, infact its very different and we're all sad. My poor dad misses you so much, he cries when he sees your photos. I know getting angry doesn't help but its impossible not to get angry when I think about you not here. I love you so much and I wish I'd told you this more, 'luv u' at the end of a text seems so common but I really did mean it. I hope you're sleeping soundly toots miss you so much Em xxxxxxxxxx