mum 27th June 2013

Hi Poppet, It's been a busy time honey, I have had a great time over all my Birthday celebrations. Was tinged with sadness not having you around to join in the fun! My party was so good, we played party games like we used to enjoy. I had two weekends in Edinburgh, first one with Emma & Aunty Heather to see thriller was great fun, then went with girls in shop, me & Lilian shopped till we dropped. cried all the way through Ghost. Can you believe Mark's gone to Canada!! glad he's out enjoying himself. Jill is loving having him there. I want him to come home & get his life back on track. I miss him, Rufus is moping about without him. Going now sleep tight honey, hope you & Lynnie are having a ball!!!! Love you darling, Mumxxxxxxxxxxxx